Covenant in Ministry
between The Parish of Horton and The Rev. Nicole Uzans
between The Parish of Horton and The Rev. Nicole Uzans
“The gifts God gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists,
some pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:11-12
some pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:11-12
This covenant affirms such documents as the Bishop’s Expectations of Clergy Working in Parish Ministry; the Bishop’s Expectations of Parishes; the Constitution, Canons, and Guidelines of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and the Parish Profile received by Parish Council.
In a healthy and dynamic parish we must all work to develop liturgies, programs, space, and outreach that are accessible and relevant to the realities of our congregation and those who would choose to join us. Our goal is to provide a variety of sustainable ministries. We hope to pursue this goal by balancing respect for traditional patterns of ministry with the development of new patterns of ministry appropriate for our time and place. It is this model of mutual service, love, and support which the people and clergy, as members of one body, represented in the Parish of Horton undertake in the following covenant.
There will be a review annually, at which the Wardens, Rector, and one additional delegate will each have opportunity to provide feedback and evaluation of how the covenant is functioning.
This covenant affirms such documents as the Bishop’s Expectations of Clergy Working in Parish Ministry; the Bishop’s Expectations of Parishes; the Constitution, Canons, and Guidelines of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and the Parish Profile received by Parish Council.
In a healthy and dynamic parish we must all work to develop liturgies, programs, space, and outreach that are accessible and relevant to the realities of our congregation and those who would choose to join us. Our goal is to provide a variety of sustainable ministries. We hope to pursue this goal by balancing respect for traditional patterns of ministry with the development of new patterns of ministry appropriate for our time and place. It is this model of mutual service, love, and support which the people and clergy, as members of one body, represented in the Parish of Horton undertake in the following covenant.
There will be a review annually, at which the Wardens, Rector, and one additional delegate will each have opportunity to provide feedback and evaluation of how the covenant is functioning.
The Rector and People together covenant to:
Communicate with one another honestly and openly, respecting the dignity of each person; recognize the importance of clergy wellness; and encourage balance of work, prayer, study, and recreation time in the life of all parishioners, lay and ordained.
The Rector and People together covenant to:
Communicate with one another honestly and openly, respecting the dignity of each person; recognize the importance of clergy wellness; and encourage balance of work, prayer, study, and recreation time in the life of all parishioners, lay and ordained.
As Rector, I covenant to:
As a Parish, we covenant to:
As Rector, I covenant to:
- Preside and preach regularly at Sunday worship, using the BCP, BAS, and supplemental worship resources
- Coordinate worship experiences throughout the liturgical seasons to engage different generations, and plan occasional services to expand spiritual perspectives (ex. PWRDF Sunday, National Indigenous Peoples’ Day)
- Oversee the ministry team and train, on an ongoing basis and as needed, those leading parts of the liturgy
- Be attentive to ministry and leadership potential in congregants and nurture individuals’ discernment of call to ministry
- Plan study series and other learning events on topics of faith, justice, and spirituality
- Facilitate faith formation with those approaching baptism, confirmation, marriage, and funerals
- Nurture my personal spiritual formation through continuing education and learn alongside parishioners at educational events when possible (ex. Diocesan Mission School)
As a Parish, we covenant to:
- Welcome diverse liturgical and educational leaders, both lay and ordained
- Discern, alongside the Rector, who may be called to new ministries in the Church (ex. liturgical roles, Parish Council, outreach ministries)
- Participate in faith formation opportunities and invite others to do so
- Suggest or inform the Rector about what programs or studies might be helpful
As Rector, I covenant to:
As a Parish, we covenant to:
As Rector, I covenant to:
- Regularly spend pastoral time with the individuals and groups that compose the parish
- Visit, as a priority, those in crisis, as well as those newly finding a place for themselves in the parish
- Make connections with organizations and centers that minister to those in special need within our local community
- Work with the Ministers of Communion and Friendly Visitors to ensure regular pastoral contact with shut-ins
- Lead monthly worship services at Wolfville Elms and Wolfville Nursing Homes, as well as occasional services at Shannex (Greenwich)
As a Parish, we covenant to:
- Alert the Rector to pastoral needs in the parish, including names of those in hospital
- Sustain the Friendly Visitors program and other informal pastoral care opportunities (ex. coffee hour)
- Participate as musicians and worship co-leaders at care homes
- Take home communion to shut-ins and identify potential new Ministers of Communion
- Affirm ‘love of neighbour’ as core to our Christian identity
As Rector, I covenant to:
As a Parish, we covenant to:
As Rector, I covenant to:
- Prayerfully discern what God is doing in our community and what part we might play
- Lead, innovate, support, and encourage existing and new ministries that reach out to those without a church connection in our local community
- Nurture a living and active connection between St. John’s and L’Arche Homefires, and between St. John’s and Acadia University
- Partner with area churches (WAICC and Valley Region Anglicans) in events that strengthen Christian witness and action in our community
- Contribute to current communications (ex. website, email, seasonal newsletters) and further develop online ministry opportunities (ex. YouTube, Zoom, SoundCloud)
- Communicate national and diocesan missional ideas and resources to the parish
As a Parish, we covenant to:
- Prayerfully discern what God is doing in our community and what part we might play
- Be open to participation in diocesan and regional councils and committees, as well as educational initiatives and programs (ex. MORE, Vital Church Maritimes, the Connectors)
- Support and participate in WAICC initiatives and relationships with L’Arche Homefires and Acadia University
- Invite neighbours/friends/family to join in worship and church-related events
As Rector, I covenant to:
As a Parish, we covenant to:
As Rector, I covenant to:
- Be informed on the status of the Parish, in regard to finances, Diocesan returns, and other parish responsibilities
- Process and file, in a timely manner, all necessary paperwork pertaining to record-keeping (ex. expense claims; certificates of marriage, baptism, burial)
- Plan Parish Council meetings with the Wardens and ensure that information from Regional Clericus and other Diocesan communications is passed on as needed
- Attend Parish Council, Regional Council, Regional Clericus, and Diocesan Synod
- Participate in Diocesan ministries as required of clergy serving in this Diocese
- Liaise with parish Administrator and Web Manager as needed
As a Parish, we covenant to:
- Assume legal responsibilities incumbent upon lay officers (ex. Wardens, treasurer)
- Ensure adequate representation on the councils and committees of the parish, region, and diocese
- Chair Parish Council meetings
- Ensure safe, secure financial and money handling procedures
- Regularly review and update SafeR Church procedure and policies, and ensure compliance
We the undersigned, do make this Covenant on
Rector (the Rev. Nicole Uzans)
Archdeacon, Valley Region (the Rev. Tom Henderson)
Parish Warden (Camille Herbin)
Parish Warden (James Nelson)
Rector (the Rev. Nicole Uzans)
Archdeacon, Valley Region (the Rev. Tom Henderson)
Parish Warden (Camille Herbin)
Parish Warden (James Nelson)